Wisconsin and Ohio right wingers seem to be bent on derailing the Great Lakes Compact. Jim Rowen breaks it all down in his blog today. As Jim says:
Lazich and Grendell cannot control exactly which portions of this lengthy agreement get modified once the Compact is back on the table.
Right, so here are a few I want "fixed:"
* Get rid of the ludicrous loophole that permits draining of the Great Lakes in containers under 5.7 gallons in size without any say-so from other states.
* Ban the commercial sale of Great Lakes Basin water unless a greater public benefit is somehow served.
* Define 'short-term humanitarian crisis' in the exemptions to the diversion ban.
* Make it impossible for communities like Waukesha, WI to divert Great Lakes water to support their bad planning and suburban sprawl.
I like the way you think. We could kill a couple of very bad provisions just by banning the use of the term "straddling" from the Compact entirely.
Posted by: betsey | March 26, 2008 at 09:26 PM